UKICC | The UK International Consumer Centre

Customer Feedback

UKICC Customer Feedback

We value feedback from all of our customers - it's vital to the continued improvement of our service. We are constantly striving for excellence in our customer service and value the feedback provided by all our customers. The UK International Consumer Centre is committed to providing exceptional customer service at all times. We are constantly reviewing our processes and procedures to ensure that our service meets the needs of all our customers. The feedback we receive is vital in driving this forward.

We record all compliments and complaints to help us analyse the levels of satisfaction in our service. Where the levels of satisfaction drop, we look at why this is and more importantly, what we can do to improve this. All the feedback we receive is treated confidentially. The feedback is reviewed regularly by the management of the Centre who then implement improvements across the service.

For more detail, please look through our various Customer Service Policies and Procedures:



Submitting Your Feedback to Us

You can submit feedback to us by contacting us via telephone, e-mail or letter and you can find all this information at the foot of this page. You may also wish to complete our online customer satisfaction survey. If you have been provided with a reference number, please quote this when contacting us as it will help to locate your case and will give us the information we need to carry out our checks.


If you have any questions about our Customer Service or Complaints policies, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.